While 3M is one of the most well-known manufacturers of security window film, our customers all have unique needs and thus have asked if we carry and install brands of security film beyond just 3M. The good news is that we do, and you can read about our brands here.
American Window Film offers three manufacturers of security film: 3M, Llumar, and Madico. All the brands offer similar warranties, but the differences lie in their other features, such as tints, performance, and more. All the security window film manufacturers are available for both residential and commercial installations and all offer warranties which will be discussed in detail later. We’re here to help you find the perfect film for your job, so let’s dig in. There will be a test at the end of today’s article, so take notes… just kidding!
3M is a widely known window film manufacturer so it is good to know all your options and know the different security films they carry. They are based out of Minnesota but have dealers all through out the country. 3M is a major manufacturer of synthetic products. 3M themselves have three different security window films: clear security window film, Ultra Series security film and Ultra Prestige Series security window film.
Clear security window film is the most basic form of security film that all of the manufacturer's listed above will carry so we will talk about it in depth here. Regardless of the manufacturer, clear security window film will block 99% of UV light, reject on average 20% of the sun's heat, block around 2% of the sun's glare all while not obstructing your views with tint. By blocking the sun's heat and UV light, your family or customers will be protected from the sun's harmful rays. One of security film's most attractive and general features is it contains shattered pieces of glass in case of window breakage. 3M clear security window film is available in different thicknesses, depending on what you are looking for for your job. For example, locations like schools and banks might require a thicker security film whereas a home can have a lower thickness since the risk is much less.
3M carries a line called the Ultra Series, which is also clear security film. The difference between standard clear security film and the Ultra Series is the Ultra Series is a state of the art security window film technology that has micro-layering to create a tear-resistant film which will slow down burglaries. 3M is the first manufacturer to create a tear-resistant film. Since it is a clear security film, your views and aesthetic won't be hindered whatsoever.
3M takes it one step further with their Ultra Prestige & Ultra Night Vision series. In the Ultra Prestige Series there is PR S70 & PR S50. These are both solar safety and security lines that are tear resistant and have a tint to it. They are heat blocking window films and will block significantly more heat and glare than the clear security window films. Ultra Prestige will block 56% of heat and 44% of glare. Ultra Night Vision will block 63% of heat and 69% of glare. Both films will block 99% of harmful UVA and UVB rays. The Night Vision series is going to be noticeably darker than the Prestige series. With both lines of film series you will notice a difference in the temperature of the space which can ultimately lead to a reduced electricity bill. The Ultra Prestige & the Night Vision series are both security window films that will prolong forced entry time.
Llumar is another manufacturer that carries security window film. Llumar has been manufactured by CPFilms, Inc. since 1977. Llumar is the world's largest manufacturer of window film. They are available globally, thus a lot of distributors carry their films. Llumar security film is a trusted product for both residential and commercial properties. Like I said before, Llumar carries a clear security window film that has all of the same benefits and comes in a 4, 7, 8 and 13 mil thickness. As mentioned earlier, locations like schools and banks might require a thicker mil than homes.
Llumar carries their own solar safety and security window films. Their product is called n1040 8mil and combines the thickness of clear security film with the heat blocking features of solar film. Llumar's solar safety and security window film can block up to 63% of heat and 73% of glare and 99% of UVA and UVB rays. It will significantly help with sun fading in either your house or commercial space.
In addition to clear security film and solar security film, Llumar carries a reflective security window film called R20 8mil. The classic one way mirror film is an example of reflective window film. When the outside is brighter than the inside, the outside light is reflected back like a mirror. This prevents people from seeing inside, but only works during the day. Llumar's reflective window film strengthens glass by up to three times and will cut glare on the inside of your windows.
Sometimes you need more than just standard safety window film. You need a film that can withstand the elements, accidents, and severe weather events for older buildings. Extra-durable exterior reflective window film from Llumar greatly strengthens your windows. Not every project will need such strong measures. This window film was designed for retrofitting older buildings.
While originally offering a variety of products since 1903, Madico commercialized the first transparent window film in 1948. Their window security film is manufactured out of Massachusetts but is offered through various dealer locations throughout the country and around the world. Madico's clear security window film offers the same benefits, but they take it a step further and offer an extra thick 14 mil option. American Window Film often installs 14 mil security to banks and schools where the added protection is crucial.
Madico's solar safety and security film offers similar benefits as Llumar and will greatly reduce heat and reduce glare. It will help lower your energy cost as well as deter theft and protect against natural disasters.
All three brands stand behind their films with comprehensive warranties. The 3M window film warranty for security window film is seven years from installation, provided that the product is maintained in accordance with the window care instructions.
The Llumar window film warranty residential installations of security window film has a lifetime limited warranty and commercial installations have a 10 year warranty.
The Madico window film warranty residential installations of security window film has a lifetime warranty and commercial installations have a 10 year warranty.
So in conclusion, yes, American Window Film carries more safety window films than just 3M. We carry the leading manufacturers around the globe. All three are backed by warranties and promise the same fundamental features. They just differ in where they are carried, the colors and reflection, and safety technologies. If 3M is not the brand for you, Llumar and Madico are available as solutions to your project’s needs. IF you are interested in shatter proof windows, talk to American Window Film today about your project and what you are looking for and we will help find the best window film for you!
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