What to Know When it Comes to Skylight Window Tint

August 11, 2021

Skylight Window Film For Your Home or Office

the best skylight window film

Many homes and office buildings have skylights, as they add a cool architectural touch, they let in a ton of natural light, and they look awesome. But like all windows, skylights let in heat and glare, which comes with that wonderful natural light. Skylights can be tricky when it comes to installing window film, depending on the material they are made of, but it is doable if you do your research, are well informed, and get the appropriate product for your skylights. American Window Film has installed plenty of skylight window film, and we are here to walk you through every step of the way! Keep on reading to learn:

  1. Benefits of skylight window film
  2. Different skylight window tint options  
  3. How American Window Film can help install window film to your skylights 

Want to discuss your skylight window film options?

  • Reduced heat - Reduces up to 63% of the sun's heat
  • Reduced glare - Reduces up to 62% of the sun's glare
  • Sun Fading Protection - Blocks 99% of ultraviolet rays 



Benefits of skylight window film

window tinting for skylights

Tinting skylights is the same process as installing window film on standard windows in residential and commercial settings. The window film is applied directly onto the surface and is designed to block the sun’s heat and light. Skylight film blocks 99% of UVA and UVB rays, up to 63% of the sun’s heat, and up to 62% of the sun’s glare. Skylight window tinting keeps your rooms cool and comfortable, reduces glare and harsh reflections while not noticeably darkening your rooms, lowers your electricity bill, and makes your space more energy-efficient. 

Different skylight window tint options

skylight window film

Knowing what your skylights are made of is extremely important because that will determine what window film is safe to apply to them. Typically, skylights are made of either glass or plexiglass. If your skylights are glass, you are good to go with standard window film. However, if your skylights are made of plexiglass, standard window film won't adhere to them. If your skylights are plexiglass, don't worry, we offer a few different window films that work great on plexiglass skylights! Hanita offers two window films for plexiglass called PolyZone SkyLite and Silver Poly. These are both extreme heat-blocking window films that will make your space noticeably cooler and significantly reduce glare. Llumar also has a window film that will adhere to plexiglass called Dusted Crystal Poly. This is more of a decorative window film than solar film. It is a translucent window film that will increase privacy and add a design factor.  

How American Window Film can help install window film to your skylights

skylight window tinting

Being as skylights are in the ceiling, they may pose a challenge to get to and can make knowing what they are made from difficult. When it comes to glass skylights, there are both interior and exterior window film options, so regardless of access, you're covered. Plexiglass skylight installations are usually interior installations, where access normally isn't an issue. But, if you have an exterior installation, we've got your back. American Window Film will work with you to determine what your skylights are made of, what skylight film is appropriate, and whether an interior or exterior installation is needed. Knowing the shape of your skylights is also very important to know. Regardless of being glass or plexiglass, only flat surfaces can have window film installed. Acrylic dome-shaped skylights cannot have any window film applied because they won't adhere to the shape. 

American Window Film Window Film

We know that was a lot of information to take in. If you are unsure of what your skylights are made of or what the right window film is, we can help you every step of the way. One of our sales representatives will meet you at the job site, determine what your skylights are made of, show you appropriate skylight window tint for your project, and get you over a quote...it's that easy! At American Window Film, we help homeowners and business owners transform their properties all of the time with skylight window film. Talk to us today about treating your skylights with energy-efficient window film!

talk with our sales team

  • Talk About Your Options - Our sales team will talk with you about your different window film options.
  • Find The Right Solution - Our team's priority is to help you find the right window film for your project.
  • Free Consultation - Our quotes are 100% free!


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